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首页 > 学习资料 >> 英语资源 > 牛津英语6A教案 Unit 1 A football match 第二课时
牛津英语6A教案 Unit 1 A football match 第二课时
发表时间:2019-10-15 17:28:21     阅读次数:659     本文编辑:嘉兴少儿/幼儿艺术培训_嘉兴中小学培训_嘉兴草屋网



  1.  四会掌握单词及词组: stop, shoot, nest to, in front of.


  2.  能听懂、会说、会读单词: all , a corner, a field, a goal, a goalkeeper, a match, a score, a team.




  1.  熟练掌握球场的词汇


  2.  能正确理解和掌握所学的对话内容,并能流利朗读。




  一.Free talk:




  T: What’s this?


  S: It’s a football.


  T: What are they doing?


  S: They are playing football.


  T: What is he doing?


  S: He’s …


  二. Review:




  三.Presentation and practise:


  1.  学生观察B部分的图,在教师引导下学习其中的单词: a goal, a score, catch, a football field,stop, a corner, a goalkeeper.






  引导学生做“What’s missing?”的游戏,复习B部分的词语。


  2.  看一个片段精彩的足球赛事。


  T: This is a football match.


  学说:a football match. 然后齐读课题。


  3.  出示课文挂图一。


  T: Look, there are two teams. 学习 team 一词。


  看球员身上的字,了解有两个组:Lion Team, Tiger Team.


  T: This football match is between the Lion Team and the Tiger Team.


  了解: between … to …的意思: 在…和…之间


  T: What’s the score? It’s one all.


  了解all的意思,和以前学的意思不同,意思为相等。2:2 可以说成 two all


  T: Where’s Gao Shan and David?


  通过介绍他们的位置,学习 next to, in front of.


  学生同桌练习,用next to 和 in front of 介绍图上球员的位置,以巩固这两个词组。


  4.  听录音跟读课文前半部分。然后请同学分角色朗读。




  T: What are the boys doing?


  S: They are having a football match.


  T: What are the girls doing?


  S: They’re watching the match.




  T: What’s the score?


  S: It’s one all.


  T: Who’s got the goal?


  S: Mike’s got the goal.


  T: Where’s the David?


  S: He’s over there in the corner with the ball.


  T: Where’s Wang Bing?


  S: He’s in front of David.


  T: Where’s Nancy?


  S: She’s next to Helen.


  5. 同学间自由朗读前半部分对话,理解对话意思,熟练掌握语句的用法,并相互促进和检查各自的朗读。




  1.       抄写四会单词和词组:stop, shoot, nest to, in front of.


  2.       熟练流利朗读课文前半部分对话。

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