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首页 > 学习资料 >> 英语资源 > 牛津小学英语5B教案:Unit1 A new term(第四课时)
牛津小学英语5B教案:Unit1 A new term(第四课时)
发表时间:2019-10-15 17:29:04     阅读次数:670     本文编辑:嘉兴少儿/幼儿艺术培训_嘉兴中小学培训_嘉兴草屋网







  二、教学内容:A: Read and say.








  Step1:Free talk and revise.


  1.Greetings .


  2.Say the chant


  3. Revise the sentences and words we’ve learned. Step2.Presentation


  1.T:(出示A部分挂图和小黑板)Boys and girls, please look at the pictures, then listen to the tape and answer the questions on the small blackboard.


  ( 学生静听录音 )


  2.Ask and answer. T: What day is it today?


  S1:It’s Monday. (Spell the word.) T: What are they doing?


  S2:They’re having an English lesson. T: How many subjects do they have this term? S3: Eight. T: What are they?


  S3: They’re Chinese, Science, Social Science, Computer Studies, , English, and Maths .


  T: Please look at P2,what subject does Su Hai like? S4:She likes Maths. T: How about Su Yang? S4: She likes English.


  T:(自问自答) Why? Because it’s interesting. (教单词interesting,引导学生注意tere的发音) (学生齐读,个别读。)


  3.(安排学生先静听录音模仿说, 然后六人一组分角色朗读.) 4.(让几位英语基础较好的学生上台复述。) Step3.Consolidation


  (教师应创设不同的场景,让学生灵活运用所学知识,下两例话题可供参考.) 1. When: on Wednesday afternoon Place: In the classroom Person: Ken and Nancy


  Topic: the timetable of this term 2. When: After school Place: on the playground Person: two good friends Topic: subjects of the new term Step4: Homework


  1. Read and recite Part A.


  2. Finish the Exercise-book (F: Read and fill in the form.)




  Unit new term interesting.

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