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首页 > 学习资料 >> 英语资源 > 五年级英语对话训练测试
发表时间:2019-10-15 17:29:11     阅读次数:659     本文编辑:嘉兴少儿/幼儿艺术培训_嘉兴中小学培训_嘉兴草屋网


  B: OK. Here some bread for you .


  A: I like bread. May I some chocolate.


  B:OK. Don?t too much. The chocolate isn?t for your teeth.


  A:All right. May I drink some ,too?


  B: Sure. a carton of orange juice in the fridge.


  A: Thanks, Mum.


  B 看图完成对话,在每个空格内填上一个恰当的单词。(12分)


  John speaking?


  John: Yes, Mike. John.


  Mike: John, are you this afternoon? Let?s go to the John: Good do we go there?


  Mike: about by bike?


  John: OK. shall we meet?


  Mike: At two .


  John: OK. See you in the afternoon.


  C 阅读下列对话,根据首字母提示填空。(15分)


  day is it today, Li Yang?


  B: It?s Tuesday.


  lesson today?


  pictures on Sundays.






  taking photos, too?




  your parents? hobbies?


  B: My father reading My mother likes flowers. In our


  very nice.


  D 阅读下列短文,概据道字母提示填空。(15分)


  1. boy . Now he is in Nanjing. He is a


  of Nanjing Primary School. to school at seven every morning and c his friends after


  2. Today is a day. Mr Brown and Mrs Brown in a bookshop. They w ,John. Because today is John?s b .

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